My Django (and python) dev env

I finally discovered Python and Django. Really enjoying them. Loving them.

These are my notes on how to setup, what I consider to be, the most useful Python3 development environment for my own personal use.

This builds on My OSX dev machine setup.

Homebrew packages

Pip packages (global)

These tools don't need access to the python environment (when a virtual one is in use) in order to be used and useful.

There is also flake8 which checks with pep8 and pyflakes, but it usually has upper requirement limits. I try to avoid upper limits. At the time of writing this I installed flake8 and pep8 from git in order to avoid upper limits and use the latest stable versions!

syspip3 install -U "git+ssh://[email protected]/pycqa/flake8.git@d7e17ed2#egg=flake8"
syspip3 install -U "git+git://"

I install flake8 it so I can manually check files with multiple code tools.

Pip packages (venv)

Au contraire to the global packages, these ones should be installed in the virtual environment being used.

Sublime Text 3 packages

There is also Sublime Linter flake8, but I don't enable it because sublime version won't follow configuration options set on ~/.config/flake8.

Configuration files

Base configuration files for the above packages and where they are read from by their corresponding tool. Best options would be to symlink them.

  • Anaconda
    ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Anaconda.sublime-settings
  • flake8 ~/.config/flake8
  • isort ~/.isort.cfg
  • pep8 ~/.config/pep8
  • pylint ~/.pylintrc (Not really using it, but if I were to, this is the config file)


  • 2017 05 11:
    Updated link for Sublime Linter pep257 since project was renamed from pep257 to Pydocstyle.
July 21, 2015
